Zits’ father

This chapter says about dads is that they want best for their kids. In Zits’ fathers case he did not want to treat Zits like he was treated by his own dad. Although, this was selfish of Zits’ dad because he could of just not been like his dad, Zits’ father did it for Zits. […]



The two books that children should not have access to in my opinion is the book Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson and the book Flight by Sherman Alexie. The reason these two books should not be in the hands of people under the age of 12 years old is because both books refer to inappropriate […]


Similarities and Differences between Zits from Flight and Teens Today

TIQA Paragraph about Zits’ Emotions, Behaviors, and Violence Similarities Topic 1: Emotion “Loneliness in Teenagers” “Corporation found that 40% of respondents between the ages of 16-24 were lonely, describing themselves as experiencing feelings of detachment, as misunderstood, as not having anyone to talk with, sad and suffering from fear of missing out on social events.” […]


Compare and contrast

One connection between the article and Flight would be the amount of violence that happened on both the reservations in the article and the book Flight. For example, the article states “during which time two Sioux men were shot to death by federal agents and several more were wounded.” This relates to the book because […]



The most important aspect of Zit’s character is the freedom that Zit’s has to say and do whatever he feels. That character trade can often end up with consequences such as jail. What defines Zits the most is not having any parents and no parent figure. The reason that defines him is because that is […]