TIQA Paragraph about Zits’ Emotions, Behaviors, and Violence


Topic 1: Emotion

“Loneliness in Teenagers”

“Corporation found that 40% of respondents between the ages of 16-24 were lonely, describing themselves as experiencing feelings of detachment, as misunderstood, as not having anyone to talk with, sad and suffering from fear of missing out on social events.”

This relates most to Zits, the ages 16-24 are close in age to what Zits is, and the ages most people are lonely. In Zits’ life, he does not have many people to talk to. That is why Zits suffers from loneliness.

“Why Does My Teenager Battle with Low Self-Esteem”

“Self-esteem begins in early childhood and is directly related to upbringing and primary caregiver relationships. Absentee parents, negative minded parents, abusive parents, authority figures in conflict, unsupportive parents, and disapproving authority figures all lead to the development of low self-esteem in childhood which eventually carries on into adolescence and adulthood.”

This relates the most to Zits the most because Zits has not had a good upbringing, he has had absent parents throughout almost his entire life. Having a bad upbringing and absent parents has led to Zits having low self-esteem.


Overconfidence Among Young Decision-Makers

“Overconfidence describes the tendency to overestimate one’s skills and underestimate the impact of risk and ambiguity on a given outcome.”

This does not relate to Zits because he has the opposite of overconfidence. Zits is ashamed of how he looks and the amount of things he has done to his parents not being around.

Too many school students are overconfident

“Our research over the past 20 years has shown that most students tend to be overconfident. When we compare ability and confidence on the same scale there is a pronounced tendency towards overconfidence. Furthermore, people who obtain very low scores on a test tend to be more overconfident than those with high scores.”

This is different from Zits, if Zits compared themselves to others he would think negatively. He has low self esteem because of all of his Zits on his face and reasons relating because his parents are not in his life which makes him feel alone.

Topic 2: Behaviors

What Are Juveniles Typically Arrested For?

“Many factors account for juvenile crime, with fractured families, peer pressure, physical and sexual abuse, teenage parents, poverty, lack of community involvement and activities, substance abuse, and failure in school cited as common causes.”

This would relate to Zits because Zits would be thought of as a juvenile teenager. Zits has a “fractured family” where his parents are not around. Zits lives in poverty he does not have much and lives day to day not knowing where he will be next.

Youth Involved with the Juvenile Justice System

“Some children and youth become involved with the juvenile justice system because they are accused of committing a delinquent or criminal act. Other youth encounter the system for status offenses—actions that are illegal only because of a youth’s age—such as truancy, underage drinking, and running away from home. Not all of these cases, however, are formally processed through the courts.”

This relates to Zits because he has been in and out of being in trouble. Zits has been known to run away from home and underage drink. Zits has been caught multiple times running away from his foster parents. Zits has also been a part of abusing his foster parents so he most likely has gotten in trouble because of that.


Teen Discipline: Strategies and Challenges

“Teens are quite focused on and influenced by their social relationships with peers,” says Caroline Fulton, PsyD, a child and adolescent psychologist at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, Illinois. A growing interest in autonomy goes hand-in-hand with their increasing attention to their friends and the world beyond their families.”

Unlike Zits most teens get punished if they were to get into trouble. Zits does not have anyone in his life that he would get in trouble with law enforcement but he does not have anyone that would get after him or punish him at home when he gets in trouble. After Zits gets in trouble he always moves house holds to a new foster family.

Topic 3: Violence

Violent Behavior in Children and Teens

“Violent behavior includes fighting, bullying, and using a weapon to threaten or hurt others. Most violent behavior occurs between friends or acquaintances or within families.”

This relates to Zits because he gets in fights and has physically hurt people. And some of the people that he has hurt were foster parents.

Recognize the Impact of Violence in Teens’ Lives

“Teens are exposed to violence in many different ways. While considerable attention has been focused on community and gang violence, a significant number of teens are exposed to domestic violence and/or are victims of abuse in their own home.”

This relates to Zits because he has been involved with groups around the city that involve violence. Zits has had violence in foster homes that he has been to which probably makes it so he does not realize it is as bad as it really is.


How Parents Can Help Troubled Teens Cope With Anger

“When a troubled teen still isn’t able to get a handle on their anger it’s time to consider getting professional help to get to the root of their anger and learn ways to manage these feelings.”

This does not relate to Zits because Zits does not know how to control his anger. Zits does not have anyone in his life that can help Zits get professional help so Zits just keeps acting out. Most kids in the world today if they have anger problems parents are willing to help them get it figured out. That is not the case for Zits.

8 Ways to Teach Teens Anger Management Skills

“Show your child how to talk about angry feelings and how to express those feelings appropriately. For example, say, “I’m really angry that you didn’t clean your room like I asked you to. I’m going to take a break for a few minutes and then we’re going to talk about your consequences.”

This does not relate to Zits. Zits does not have anyone in his life that he is able to talk to about his feelings, so Zits does not know how to deal with his anger properly. In this quote it talks to parents how to teach your child to cope with feelings and anger. 

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